
Every day 

I set off for from boarding school with my cochlear implant (CI) and my hearing aid (HA). Or at least I should do… if I don’t please ask me to leave the class and return with them. I will remember for next time. When I come into class, please help me to check that my devices are working. Ask me a quirky “W” question (where, who, why etc( through the “Roger”…..I have a great sense of humour.

Every day 

I move through my classes with "Roger" and the “Pass Mics”. Roger is my best friend. Every teacher wears Roger and he 'beams' the wearer's voice right to my ears. The Pass Mics help me to hear my peers when they are presenting from their table.

Most days 

I have no issues with my ear gear and Roger stays the course. When my devices are working and Roger is "on it"  I hear 80% of everything you say to me even in a noisy space. In a quiet space I will hear everything.

Some days

my devices pull stunts and either don't work well or do an 'epic fail'. Its hard for me to notice because its really subtle. Nothing beeps or flashes. It just fades out. I can't tell but you can.

Some days

I don't answer when you speak to me or I am distracted or ready to distract others. Ok, sometimes it is me pulling a stunt, but a lot of the time it is Roger (or one of the other devices) not doing their jobs.

Every day

You can do a sound check when I come into your class. Ask me a W question when Roger is with you. Roger tells me everything you say. Unless you tell him to shoosh. Hit "Mute" to shoosh him up. Mute is important because otherwise I hear your discussions with others. This can make it hard for me to concentrate.

Every day

we can remind each other to mute/un-mute Roger and to place Roger on the table for group time. Roger hates being left out when I am working with friends. If Roger is on the table, laid out flat, I will hear most of what my friends say.

Every day

You can encourage my friends to speak up and to turn to face us when they want to say something we are all meant to hear. It's practically impossible for me to hear what my friend says to you when I am behind him . I am not great at telling my friends this.



HEARO'S Printables

170826 How Was My Day.PNG

How was my day?

This is the chart I use to reflect on my listening experience for that day.


Hearing Device Troubleshooting Flowchart

Please help me to troubleshoot my devices and ensure that the connect with Roger.


Reminders for me

Please help me to regularly check my reminders. I am learning to be mindful of how well I am hearing during my day!
